How to wrap a sprained foot? In 4 easy steps.

Finding out how to wrap a sprained foot: A sprain can occur at any time, while you are running on the road, jogging in the park, exercising in a gym or while playing and having fun on the playground. 

A sprain is not selective, anyone,  at any time, of any age, can get an ankle  sprain. An ankle sprain is an injury to the tough bands of tissue or ligaments that surround and connect the bones of the leg to the foot. 

The injury typically happens when you accidentally twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way stretching or tearing the ligaments that hold your ankle bones and joints together. The sprain most commonly involves injuries to the ligaments on the outside of the ankle rather than the inside. 

Even though, a sprain is more prevalent in people that participate in strenuous physical activities. Non-sports people are not exempt from picking up a sprain, it is possible to sprain your ankle by walking on uneven surfaces or by wearing inappropriate footwear. 

Got a sprain? What should I do?

The most sensible thing to do when you sprain your ankle is to call your doctor right away. He or she can determine the severity of the injury and recommend a proper course of treatment. Note: The treatment is different depending on the severity of the injury – from have a simple wrap to wearing a boot walker. The period of time for the sprain to heal is also different, from a few weeks to several months. 

The course of action in a sprain.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends protection and compression — along with rest, ice and elevation — to prevent further injury and encourage proper healing. Wrapping the foot with an elastic bandage provides both stabilization and compression. 

Elastic bandages either with fastening clips or with a special self-adhesive coating. If you are super busy, there are many options that you could choose from on Amazon and have them delivered to your house the next day. My favourite wrap is the Elastic Bandage Compression Wrap because it is of good quality and comes highly rated. 

In most cases a compression wrap is used to prevent swelling, which can help your ankle feel better. The wrap is for minor sprains and does not support the ankle or prevent movement within the area. 

With more severe ankle sprains you would probably want to use the CAM Walking boot (control ankle movement walking boots) because it prevents ankle movement thus giving the ligaments a chance to heal. 

How to wrap a sprained foot in 4 easy steps

Step: #1  The roll-up

Roll up the elastic bandage. Hold your ankle at about a 90-degree angle. Start where your toes meet the body of your footHold the loose end of the bandage at the side of your foot. Wrap the bandage around the ball of your foot once, keeping it somewhat taut with a light pull.

Step: #2 The Wrap

Slowly circle your way around the arch of the foot. Pull the bandage diagonally from the bottom of the toes across the foot’s top. Circle it around the ankle. Bandage diagonally across the top of the foot and under the arch in a figure-eight pattern.

Step: #3 The Rollover

When you get to the ankle bone, wrap the bandage around the felt piece so it stays in place under the ankle bone.  
Continue around the ankle and foot in figure eight, moving toward the heel on the bottom and toward the calf at the top of the eight.

Step: #4 The fastening

The wrap should cover the entire foot and end about 7 centimetres above the ankle. Most compression wraps are self-fastening or come with clip fasteners. If not, use tape to secure the end. The wrap should be snug but should not cut off circulation to the foot.


Video demonstration of how to wrap a sprained foot

Above is a video demonstration by two medical professionals on how to wrap a sprained foot properly. They share their novel method. Here is a similar product to the one that they recommend. The Elastic Bandage Compression Wrap comes highly recommended and is selling on Amazon for a good price. 

Final thoughts on how to wrap a sprained foot in easy steps.

It is better not to get a sprain but if you do, ensure that you speak to a doctor as soon as possible. Remember also that the information provided in this article is for information purposes only and should not be treated as medical advice. You health care professional is the one to give you all the great advice on how to wrap a sprained foot or ankle properly. If you have a story about sprained ankle you can share in the comment box. The best post may win a prize. 

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About the Author: Jon Walker

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