Life with crutches

Putting your legs in a cast will change your life for a few weeks. As a matter of fact, Life with crutches may actually change your general outlook on life.

If you’ve never been on crutches before you will have to deal with the injury, that caused you to be on crutches, and moving around with this unfamiliar walking aid, basically becoming a walking tripod.

The first part of Life with crutches will give you a lot to think about and accept the fact for the next few weeks your life will change.

It is very easy to get caught up in thinking about volleyball games you can’t play in for now, the Zumba class you can’t participate in properly or the 5K run that you just can’t do right now.

However, getting stuck in a cast for a couple of months should not stop you from enjoying your life. Yes, there is some obvious challenges but finding the solution can be very empowering.

From my research, I’ve learned several tips that I hope will improve your crutching experience. Hiding in your house is not going to make your recovery period go any faster and feeling sorry for yourself is not any fun.

In this midst of this injury, you still got to live your life. You got to create a new narrative a new story. Why waste your story, waiting to get to the next scene? There is some good stuff that can happen in the middle, between the date of your injury and recovery at the end.

So many things you can do to enrich your life, maybe more then you realise.  Maybe you are stronger then you realise.

Why not find out? Getting out into the world is critical to your mental health and to keeping the rest of your body in shape.

Yeah, you may have to make a few adjustments but try looking at it as a little unexpected adventure and figure out how to make Life with crutches work.

Things I did on a crutch with my broken leg in a cast

During my time with a broken leg, life with crutches was an ok stint. I remained active within my social circle:

  • I still went to the grocery store to do all my shopping. Sometimes I elevate my leg on the crutch or on the store shelves.
  • I went to the gym. I still exercise a lot, doing exercises that do not require me putting stress on my leg.
  • I crutch walk into my neighbourhood. I loved this, everyone said hi.
  • Went out to dinner with friends.
  • I even went out of a few dates. Not because my foot is not one hundred percent mean that I should let live pass me by.

Yes, I had to plan ahead a little, I also had to be a little more spontaneous and flexible.

While using crutches it is really important that you stay physically active, mental motivate and socially involved. Isolating yourself is never a good idea, always find things to get involved in to make you feel good about yourself.

Staying active with my crutch

For me to keep myself active, I do a bit of lite housework, work from different rooms to ensure that I move around a bit.

I especially liked going outside for a walk every day. If I am just walking, it is better than being cooped up inside all day. The point is that I am not stuck in one place for hours at a time, that would be horrible. 

Before you go out to live your active lifestyle, it is possible to pimp out your crutches. Adding cushions to make the crutches more comfortable under your arm is a god sent because adequate cushioning reduces bruising.

I’ve personally used the ones from Crutcheze.

You may visit Amazon to check the prices and it changes often.  Pockets on the crutch is also awesome. It helps you to secure your precious belongings or carry crucial items like a small water bottle.

There are a few different shapes, sizes, and materials to pick from. Here is one that I would recommend on Amazon by Crutcheze.

Staying motivated on life with my crutch

It is very easy to be sorry for yourself but it is good to be mentally motivated to do things for yourself and feel a part of things that is happening around you. I relied on my friends a little more than normal to assist me. I actually felt pretty special that people wanted to help me. I also relied on me more, to come up with creative ideas to get by.

Asking for help is hard at first time but afterwards you would feel good, obviously, think of how you feel when you help someone. It feels good to help someone doesn’t it. Think of this as you giving others a chance to feel good about helping you. Don’t be stingy with that.

Staying socially involved with my crutch

Be socially involved. Get out there meet and talk to people. Go out with friends. Go on dates. Have fun. Other may look at you with the crutches but they will love you, let them sign your cast or boot.

One more thing I should mention, there are wheel chairs and knee scooters and Iwaki’s that could be used as a crutch substitute.

Final thought on life with crutches

Using your crutches will help you to keep your muscle strong. Using a crutch is not really that difficult once you get a hang of it. Use your crutch, go out and have fun and definitely keep yourself in better shape. Share your experiences of Life with crutches below.


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About the Author: Jon Walker